A look back into the company history of Janssen Cosmetics

18 mei 2017
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In our jubilee year, 20 years of Janssen Cosmetics, we take a look (or two) back at the company's history.

In 1992, Walther Janssen introduced the first COSMECEUTICALS in the professional cosmetics market in Germany under the Beauty Design brand: Glycea Derm, a chemical peeling based on fruit acids. Then came the skin bleaching preparation Contramelin for the treatment of irregularly pigmented skin and the highly dosed active substance ampules SKIN EXCEL. All these products are still part of the Cosmeceuticals range of Janssen Cosmetics today, naturally with more modern formulations.

From 1995 to 1997 the laboratory Dr. Roland Sacher developed for JANSSEN COSMECEUTICAL CARE a range of cosmetic products called "Secrets of Beauty". When the company was founded in 1997, there were product ranges for various skin types in place: Ultime Secrets, Pure Secrets, Supreme Secrets, White Secrets and Body Secrets.

Trade fair fever at Janssen Cosmeceutical

Janssen Cosmeceutical was in the middle of 1990s in trade fair fever: as early as 1996 Walther Janssen participated in cosmetic trade fairs in Hong Kong (Cosmoprof), Guang Zhou (International Beauty), Long Beach (Beauty Show) and Las Vegas (Aesthetics Congress). In the following two years, he met professional cosmetics companies and people in Miami, Düsseldorf, Chicago, New York, Singapore, Budapest, Istanbul, Brussels, Linz, Prague, Warsaw and again Hong Kong and Guang Zhou. It was then where he established the first local representatives outside of Germany: Christoph from the Czech Republic, Lookx from the Netherlands, KTK Beauty in Singapore and Morio in Japan, all companies that are still today exclusive and successful partners of JANSSEN COSMETICS.


In 2000, Janssen Cosmeceutical Care was already represented in 18 different countries around the world. In Germany, almost 40 beauticians from beginnings of the company are still working with JANSSEN COSMETICS, a sign of loyalty and commitment to a brand that very quickly became an insider tip among beauticians. The cooperation with Margot Stolzenwald in the north of Germany is a good example. As of 2001, the market for cosmeceuticals opened in many Eastern European countries, and above all in Russia and Ukraine. Janssen Cosmeceutical took part in trade fairs in Warsaw, Prague, Moscow, but also in the USA at the trade fairs in Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Miami and San Francisco.


In the US, the company's own corporate structure was established by sales offices based in Irvine (CA), Chicago and Philadelphia, and the US market became Janssen Cosmeceutical's strongest foreign market. In Germany, Jürgen Korte had taken over the distribution of Cosmeceuticals and expanded the sales network continuously.

New headquarters

In 2001, Janssen Cosmeceutical moved into the new company headquarters in Aachen, Pontsheide, where the company is still based today. Here the company’s own training center, used for theoretical and practical trainings with the company’s whole product range, deserves to be especially mentioned. The training service is an important pillar of the marketing concept in the field of professional cosmetics, as marketed by Janssen Cosmetics.


A rapid development in Russia and Eastern Europe

After only a few years, in 2004 Russia became the strongest foreign market for the company, even ahead of the USA. The representation of Lena Bouslaeva and Tatyana Birjukova is a success story beyond the borders of our own company. In ten years, these two ladies, with a team of employees and countrywide representations, made the brand one of the leading suppliers in the Russian Federation. Many visits of Russian beauticians in Aachen - by 2016 it was probably over 600 - testify of a deep connectedness and a high customer satisfaction.

About customer satisfaction

In 2004, Janssen Cosmeceutical received the certification for quality management according to the standard ISO 9001: 2008. We are particularly happy about the high scores for customer satisfaction. But also our customer service scored top marks. The number of employees had risen to 16, and all of them felt and they still are very committed to the quality requirements. The products from the Dr. Sacher laboratory are extremely popular worldwide and represent the backbone for a small, but now global, company.
