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Skin care after shaving & waxing

04 July 2019
Hautpflege bei Haarentfernung

Shaving and waxing in summer: What to keep in mind

In summer we like to show a lot of skin. Short dresses and skirts are popular and swimsuits or bikinis are a must at the beach/pool. Above all legs are the eye-catcher of the summery outfits and they should therefore look accordingly well cared for.

Here are some care tips from our skin care expert, Mrs Hannelore Thoma, for beautiful legs in summer.

Is waxing and shaving possible despite sun-stressed skin, saltwater and chlorinated water?

You should never shave or wax in direct sunlight. Warm or cold wax is best applied in the evening, then the skin can subsequently recover during the night and you avoid skin irritations caused by sun, salt or chlorinated water the next day.

How do I prepare the skin for the hair removal?

Before shaving your legs it is advisable to do a peeling to open the pores of the skin. Not only does it help to loosen dead skin cells and thus prevent hairs from growing in, it also promotes blood circulation in the skin.

It is also important to moisten the skin with warm water before shaving. This makes the hairs softer and easier to shave. It is therefore particularly handy to shave under the shower or in the bathtub.

Our insider’s tip for ingrown hair and resulting inflammation: apply Microsilver Serum with a low fruit acid content on the spot in the evening before the treatment. It soothes the skin and at the same time slightly loosens overnight the upper horny layer on the ingrown hair. This makes it easier to treat the skin with wax or a razor blade.



Hair removal

If your skin is sensitive and/or dry, you should not use foams or after-shaves containing alcohol when shaving. They irritate and dehydrate the skin. Also alcoholic deodorants or highly perfumed body lotions directly after shaving/waxing/epilation of the armpits and legs possibly can cause skin irritations.

Skin care after hair removal

To avoid possible irritations, please wait at least three days after waxing or shaving before the next peeling. The skin of the legs is usually drier than the facial skin because it has fewer sebaceous glands. A hair removal can irritate the skin and it loses moisture. That's why it's important to provide the skin with an extra portion of moisturizing care after hair removal. Especially suitable for this: our After Sun Lotion. It soothes the stressed skin and cools it down providing caring moisture.

After shaving or waxing, moisturise the skin with moisturising lotions or light creams. Our After Sun Lotion is particularly suitable for this. It soothes stressed skin and provides additional moisture. Regular care makes the skin radiant and the tan is even and lasts longer.


Further skin care advice by our skin care expert

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